Saturday, February 13, 2021

23 Alphabetical Attributes of Salvation: Part Fourteen


14. Non-denominational

First of all, let me say that denominations are not of God. They remind me of false religion and lack of unity in the church. I am not experienced with denominations, since I have always attended an independent fundamental Baptist church after forsaking and abandoning the Roman Catholic cult. Perhaps denominations were good at one time, but I'm sure that nowadays they are as dividing as other religions. I speak not from experience but from seeing the fruit of these denominations, which I call "demon-inations."

This article is from Wicked-pedia, listing the various ungodly denominations. (I think Wikipedia is of the Devil too, because people can change and edit the articles given in any way they want. And I really hate how they grub for money at certain times of the year. Why do they beg for money? To keep spreading their lies.) Note that NONE of these denominations are the true church. How DARE Wikipedia dub them "Christian" when they are ANTI-Christian, e.g. Roman Catholicism. Catholics think they're Christians, but they are NOT Bible believers! Every last listing is an abomination to God. You won't find Independent Fundamental Baptist in there!)

List of "Christian" Denominations

This is a lengthy but needful article that pretty much sums up all questions about denominations. It mentions things I never knew about. Please read it and be educated from the Bible.


On the other hand, this article explains the meaning of an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church:


May I say, I think denominations are of the Devil, seeking to tear down what Jesus Christ wants to build up. I thank God I am an IFB church member. 

The term "fundie" was sinfully coined by God-haters who despise truth and seek to sow discord in the churches and the world. I hate that term, but I forgive anyone who may call me a "fundie" because it is actually an honor to be reproached for the cause of Christ. I don't hate the person, I hate the sin they commit. 

Also, the name "Christian" is supposedly taught by some preachers as a derogatory term, as "fundie" is derogatory, but a "Christian" is a true believer; a follower or disciple of Christ. The Bible doesn't say that it's derogatory, so why should you? It was at Antioch where believers were first called "Christians" (Acts 11:26), so why the fuss about assuming the term is intended to mock those who believe the Bible? The reason is these reprobates have no leg to stand on, but instead make up these ridiculous terms to satisfy their own lusts of jealousy and hatred. It reminds me of little kids insulting one another, thinking of one curse word and another, until one gives up or gets beaten up. How trivial can people be? People need to grow up.

In conclusion, I believe that demon-inations are meant to divide and sow discord in the church. You can do your own research about this subject because I have no experience with it. If you attend a denomination, you need to get out and find an independent fundamental Baptist church, because you are wasting your time in that hellhole. Satan wants to divide the church and unite the world; we are to separate from the world and unite under Christ's leadership in His church. Any other way is sin.

Psalm 119:104 Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.

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