Monday, February 8, 2021

23 Alphabetical Attributes of Salvation: Part Eleven

11. Kabbalah is evil

I'm not sure why I picked this subject for the letter K in my list, but I will post about it because God had me do it. Next time, when I refresh this list, Lord willing, the letter K will be for "knowledge." 

Obviously Kabbalah is a false religion, popular amongst celebrities and antichrist leaders of today. I never heard of such a cult until recently, so I don't know much about it, much less want to study it. I assure you, however, God does not approve of Kabbalah and condemns it as idolatry and iniquity.

My reference website says Kabbalah is a substitute for the Gospel of Christ, so it is a false gospel, or another gospel as the Apostle Paul puts it. Of course it is, since evil celebrities like Madonna and Demi Moore wear the red Kabbalah bracelet that supposedly protects them from evil spirits. These misled Christ-rejecters and many others like them have the silly idea that this cult can actually protect them and make them richer than they already are. What a bunch of nonsense. Their minds are blinded, and the Devil loves them!

Kabbalah Exposed!

Seeing I am unlearned about this subject, I will now turn the post over to my trusted Biblical resource, which has much more to say about this cult.

Question: "What is Kabbalah?"


Answer:  Kabbalah has many different ways of being spelled in English. It can be as you have spelled it, or one of the following: Kaballah, Qabalah, or Cabalah.


Kabbalah developed between the 6th and 13th centuries among Jews in Babylonia, Italy, Provence, and Spain. The word Kabbalah means "to receive" and refers to revelation from God received by Jews and passed to succeeding generations through oral tradition. The word was first used by mainstream Judaism but later came to refer to those who believed that only a select few were given the secret knowledge from God as to the "true" meaning of Scriptures.  Kabbalah uses occultic practices and is considered to be a cult.


Kabbalah resembles closely some of the beliefs held by the Greek Gnostics in that both groups held that only a select few were given deeper understanding or knowledge. Also, Kabbalah teaches that emanations from God did the work of creation rather than creation being directly from God. With each descending emanation, the emanation became further away from God. The final emanation took the personal form of angels. This would be like God created a lesser god, and that one then created a lesser god, and this kept happening until the end result were angels. This directly contradicts God's revelation of Himself in the Bible. In the Bible, God teaches that He is both separate from all of His creation and yet is directly accessible by those who come to Him through Jesus Christ.


Kabbalah does hold to the inspiration of Scripture, but does not seek the plain meaning of Scripture. The Kabbalah approach is mystical and very subjective, using such things as numerology to find "hidden" meaning. Through this method, almost any teaching that one desires could be "found" in Scripture. This goes against the very heart of communication. God provided Scripture that He might communicate with mankind and teach humanity of Himself. It is obvious that Scripture is meant to be taken at face value and not mystical interpretation. This can be demonstrated by fulfilled prophecy. God said something would happen, and it happened as He said it would. The greatest example of this is the fulfillment of the prophecies concerning the first coming of Jesus Christ. The were hundreds of verses referring to His coming, and they were fulfilled literally (Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; Micah 5:2; Isaiah 53. This is why the Bible should be interpreted literally or normally.


Kabbalah even has a pantheistic characteristic. Pantheism is the idea that God and His creation are one. This of course is not what God has told us in the Bible. God created all that exists from nothing (the Hebrew word "bara"). Kabbalah says that creation is one of God's emanations - this is the pantheistic quality that Kabbalah has.


Of course I do not know why you have asked this question (what is Kabbalah?), but if you are seeking to know God and have a personal relationship with Him, look no further that Jesus Christ and the Bible. Jesus is God in the flesh, and He came to die for every person's sins. If an individual trusts in Christ -- that He is God (John 1:1-3) and paid for sin (Romans 8:3) -- then that person is forgiven and becomes a child of God (John 1:12).

So you see here plainly that this is just another hell-spawned cult and another bloodless, crossless gospel that is designed to lead people straight to Hell. How shocked and horrified will Madonna be when she dies and splits Hell wide open. So much for your stupid cult, Madonna and Demi Moore, and other Satan worshippers like them. The righteous shall inherit the Kingdom of God, not these demonic idols who lead young people astray. Woe unto the Kabbalah cult!

ONLY JESUS CHRIST has the power to save your soul from Hell. Believe on Jesus Christ and be saved!

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