Friday, March 12, 2021

23 Alphabetical Attributes of Salvation: Part Twenty-One


21. Victory in Jesus

1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 

1 John 8:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

We hear a lot these days about "the victorious life" and "deeper life" teachings. These sound good but one must discern who they come from, because many prosperity preachers give whole speeches about this, and since people have itching ears, they give their money to such wolves in the pulpit. Kenneth and Gloria Copeland are of many spiritual frauds who suck up your money like leeches and leave you empty and penniless. Watch out for the prosperity preachers! They spew a false gospel and worship another jesus!!

This article is an eye-opener about such people. Please read it and open your eyes to the truth.

I find it amazing (and true from the Bible) that these religious con-men are the ones who people worship. There are such as Creflo Dollar (how's that name for a lying thief), Rod Parsley, Benny Hinn, Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts, Paul Crouch, John Hagee, etc. There are more fake devils in other countries, like John of God, and other spiritual misfits that prey upon the Biblically ignorant and drain their bank accounts. Spiritual crime pays well, and all these false prophets live in extravagant homes, drive expensive cars and have money galore, because backslidden and baby Christians don't read the King James Bible. Instead, they have itching ears, a sure sign of the end times, a mark of the Laodicean (meaning lukewarm) Christian. They think God will listen to them, and perhaps they'll be physically healed to boot. May I say, GET AWAY from these sharks, because they don't care about you, they just want your money and will say anything to get it. Leeches!!

I actually know from firsthand experience that the Copelands, for example, are not Biblical Christians, nor are their "ministries" anything close to that of Paul the Apostle. Like an idiot, I went to one of their conferences once back in 2003. I had just started attending my current church, and when I told my friends there that I was going to this conference, they said nothing. I thought they would commend me and encourage me about it, but not a word came out of their mouths. I was very naive, because I had no idea how bad and evil it really was.                

I remember the crowd was enormous. There must have been thousands of people present in this huge auditorium. There were big screens on either side of the platform. They passed around big baskets on poles, begging for "love offerings" and for me to "plant a seed." I felt smaller than an ant under my chair. I don't remember one single word that Copeland said. Probably "give a seed and receive a blessing," or some garbage along those lines.

Then that silly fool Gloria Copeland came forth to the platform and asked if anyone needed "divine healing." Now I have been nearsighted since 5 years of age, and I thought, perhaps they could heal me so I wouldn't have to wear glasses anymore! And of course, I was totally skipped over, not a wink, not a word towards my lacking eyesight, and right there I knew something was wacky. I don't remember much after that but I wanted to leave as quickly as possible. Hey Glo, here's a sign from God: Resign from your fake "ministry," go home and clean house, sell all you have and give to the poor, and change your mind of your evil doings!! Fat chance she'll do that.

I saw others being wheeled up to the platform, some hobbling on crutches, and the like. These people looked like they could use supernatural help, and much to my amazement, they got it! They leaped up from their wheelchairs, cast aside their crutches, and rejoiced! It looked real, but it was all a facade for gullible people to throw their money away.

Another thing which I learned much later was that those were actors to get the audience riled up so they spill more money into the false prophets' wretched coffers. It looked so real and had such a supernatural aura to it, and even people were "praising the Lord," but which lord were they really praising? Lord Satan, that's who! That kind of performance is Satanic to the core!! It's all eye-service, ear-tickling and money-grubbing. The Copelands and their evil ilk are BAD NEWS!!

The Roman Catholic Church is another giant leech. They demand your money or else you won't enter Heaven. There's always those awful statues with candles burning and collection boxes that you feel obligated to put coins in after saying a prayer to a marble idol. They add sacraments, printed prayers to dead people, multiple idols and rosary beads to their religious sessions called masses, and you get to engage in cannibalism while you're at it. By that I mean the priests claim that they have the power to call the body and blood of Jesus Christ out of Heaven and perform the satanic miracle of "transubstantiation" (now there's a big word), and the poor religious congregation proceeds to consume "jesus" in what's called "the Eucharist." Folks, the Roman Catholic Church and its false prophet the pope are of the Devil, and they will all end up cast into the lake of fire when the Lord Jesus Christ comes back in power and judgment. I implore you, FLEE from the wrath to come!!

Jesus Christ was the poorest of the poor. He loved the world so much that He left His glory in Heaven where He was waited on hand and foot, receiving eternal praise and worship from the mighty angels. He left Heaven's throne and condescended to come down to earth to be born of a virgin and live among us, so that He could experience humanity on our own level and fulfill eternal prophecy. He was the sinless, perfect God-man, and He loved us so much that He died for every one ever alive on earth. He was poor so we could be rich through Him, and He died so we could obtain eternal life in Him. 

Jesus was acquainted with sorrow and grief. He was despised and rejected, and killed by the very people who were the apple of His eye. Jesus would never deceive anyone. His works were manifest before all to see. His miracles were public and famous. He said nothing in secret, but was open and candid in all He did and went. Not one word of guile was in His mouth. What a Savior, to have laid His life down for me.

True victory comes from living for Jesus Christ, and never let anyone tell you otherwise. The King James Bible, which these predators would never use, was written for our comfort, victory and sound-mindedness. It reproves and rebukes with all long-suffering and doctrine. You cannot live the victorious Christian life if you follow devils and eat of the table of devils. Victory in Jesus demands self-sacrifice, love to all men, humility, blamelessness, being teachable and keeping your eyes on the Lord.

But first you must be born again. You are a sinner. You need a Savior. Jesus Christ came to die for you and pay for all your sins by dying on the cross. He was then buried and rose again the third day. If you believe this Gospel as a little child, you will avoid eternal Hell fire and have a home in Heaven. You will obtain this victory which overcomes the world, and gives you a sound mind and strength to endure the hardness of this world. 

False teachers and religion cannot save you. Only Jesus Christ has the power to save your eternal soul from Hell. I plead with you today, friend. Get your eyes off of the world and its trappings, and believe ON Jesus Christ before it's too late.

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