Thursday, February 18, 2021

Taking a break...


I see that my posts are getting viewed, but fewer. That happens a lot when I get to posting regular, routine subjects. The novelty tends to wear off. I've been posting my "Alphabetical Attributes" since late January, and I am thankful for the views and shares. I definitely hope and pray someone gets or got saved from reading them. However I am putting it aside for now, because even I am weary of posting them.

I remember for a time I was making videos of myself on Facebook reading certain Bible verses and explaining them. Of course I got tired of doing it, but the videos are still available. This is the closest I can get to teaching the Bible. I can't stand behind a podium in front of a group of people, so I do it indirectly. I remember doing that a few times, and I suffered much embarrassment because I would trip over my words and stammer. At least here I can correct myself if need be, and no one but the Lord sees my mistakes. I always say, I write better than I speak.

Even the Bible itself acknowledges that human beings get tired of studying, and we are prone to leaving things undone...

Ecclesiastes 12:12 And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

I don't remember ever posting one verse from Ecclesiastes, not because I don't want to, but it is a very solemn and negative book; yet it's a part of God's Word and it's there for our instruction. King Solomon was the author, the same man who wrote the book of Proverbs, and God put it there for us to glean wisdom. You can't have the happy happy joy joy verses without the doom and gloom verses to balance them out. That's what causes cults like the charismatics, and they remain as lost as the Devil himself. 

Anyway that's all I have for now. i do hope my work here is worth it to you. I know it is to me. 

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